Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
DataType |
Numerical = 5, Monetary = 9, Percentage = 17 |
integer |
None. |
TeamID |
The ID of the team you want to create the goal on |
globally unique identifier |
None. |
Category |
WIG = 0, SubWIG = 1, Lead = 2 |
integer |
None. |
BoundaryType |
Meet or Exceeds = 0, Not Greater Than = 1 |
integer |
None. |
Waypoints |
(Required minimum of 2) New waypoints for this goal |
Collection of NewWaypoint |
None. |
YellowVariance |
Yellow tolerance/variance value |
decimal number |
None. |
RedVariance |
Red tolerance/variance value |
decimal number |
None. |
Description |
Description of the goal |
string |
None. |
CurrentValue |
This goal will be initialized with this value |
decimal number |
None. |
Title |
Name/title of the goal |
string |
None. |
ParentIDs |
IDs of any parents this goal has; could be multiple, but the majority of the time there should be only 1 element present here |
Collection of globally unique identifier |
None. |
DateAvailable |
(UTC midnight) If this date is null or before today this goal will automatically become available. If this goal is set to a future date it won't appear until then unless you specifically request to show future goals. |
date |
None. |
RetireDate |
(UTC midnight) If this date is before today it will be initialized in the retired state. If this date is null it will not retire unless you retire it manually OR retire a parent goal manually. If it's set in the future it won't retire until that date UTC. |
date |
None. |
Order |
The order of the goal in relation to other goals when displayed on a team. If you are changing the order on one goal make sure that you update the other goals to correspond to that change. |
byte |
None. |